On this tab all the entries of the current open vocabulary are listed, even entries marked learned. You can go to the Edit Mode by pressing the Editing >> button to add, edit or delete entries, move or copy them to other vocabularies and create new vocabularies or delete existing ones.
Here the searching tool is shown and you can search words in the current vocabulary by first letters or to use Advanced Search.
On this tab only found words during Advanced Search are shown. The search pattern is highlighted. If you want to repeat Advanced Search on the Found tab, it will search among the found entries. To search words among all the entries of the current vocabulary, select the Dictionary tab and repeat Advanced Search.
Found Field
The found entries can be displayed in one field. Select the number of found
entries on the View tab of the Options
dialog box. Click button
to view the next portion of found entries. The total number of the found
entries and the number of displayed entries are displayed to the left side of
the Search field.
If you place the cursor inside one entry in the Found field before clicking
the Editing >> button, this entry becomes current and button
becomes enabled if
this entry has a link to a sound file. Conversely, when you click the <<
Editing button, the Found field is scrolled to show the current entry.
The height of the window on the Found tab when all the found entries are shown in one field is saved separately for every dictionary so that you can view more found entries at once.
You can print the contents of the Found field: place the cursor into it and press Ctrl+P.
Printing the contents of the Found field is available only for registered users. During the trial period only up to 30 entries can be printed. |
On this tab an entry for testing will be chosen. The cursor will be placed to the field, you have defined on the Test tab of the Options dialog box: to the original word or translation field, or to one of them if you have chosen both. Type here the answer and press <Enter>.
If the answer is correct, you will see the contents of the field with the selected answer (on the Test tab of the Options dialog box you can specify to ask next question immediately if the answer is correct). If the answer is wrong, you will see the contents of the field and a specific sound will be played. To disable sound effects go to the General tab of the Options dialog box.
After you have answered the question the Check button will be changed to the Next button. You can just press <Enter> to see another question. When you have answered a definite number of words (you can define this number on the Test tab of the Options dialog box) the program will be hidden to the system tray.
This tab is not visible if testing for the current dictionary is disabled.
To start
Slide Show press the Start button or <F3>. A new window will
appear instead of the main window of the program. In the Slide Show window
there are only fields and you can make it even less. The size and position of
the Slide Show window are saved for the current dictionary, as well as the
sizes of fields. To stop Slide Show click on the X
button of the window or press <Esc>. You can change the time
intervals for showing questions and answers and the transparency of the Slide
Show window on the View tab of the Options dialog box.
Place the Slide Show window anywhere you like and make it transparent. Look at this tiny window during your work at the computer to increase your vocabulary. During Slide Show you can drag-n-drop the window holding not only for the caption, but for the fields as well.
There are several Hot Keys in this mode. You can also scale the font of the fields by holding <Ctrl> and moving the mouse wheel over the required field.
The Slide Show tab is not visible if testing for the current dictionary is disabled.