Keyboard Shortcuts


Esc Edit Mode — exit Edit Mode

Editing an entry — cancel changes

All other modes:

If the program is disabled — the previous window will be activated, so that you don't load/unload Pop-Up Dictionary every time.

If the program is enabled — hide the main window to the system tray (where the clock is).

F1 Help (shows this file).
F3 Start Slide Show.
F4 Serves to start editing and finish editing (update) current entry.
Shift+F4 Add a new entry into the current vocabulary and fill in the original field with the text from the search field (useful when you cannot find this word or expression in this vocabulary and want to add it).
F5 Copy the current word to the chosen vocabulary. The same if you click button on the toolbar.
F9 Switch the focus to the searching tool and select the text in it so that you can enter a new word for searching or copy the selected text to the clipboard.
Ins Marks/unmarks the current word for testing if you have chosen to test only chosen words on the Test tab of the Options dialog box. The same if you click the green check box .
Ctrl+Del Marks/unmarks the current word as learned. The same if you click the blue check box .
Ctrl+D Select the Dictionary tab
Ctrl+T Select the Test tab
Ctrl+S Play the assigned file. The same if you click button on the toolbar.



  1. All Modes.

Ctrl+Num - En Dash (–)
Alt+Ctrl+Num - Em Dash (—)
Alt+Ctrl+(.) Ellipsis (…)
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+X/Shift+Del Cut
Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Ins Copy
Ctrl+V/Shift+Ins Paste
Ctrl+A Select All
Ctrl+L Set Left-to-Right text direction
Ctrl+R Set Right-to-Left text direction
  1. Edit Mode.

F4 Update.
Ctrl+K Make the selected text a reference (adds <<, >> tags). If the selection has already these tags, it will remove them.
Ctrl+W Make the selected text a feature (adds [c], [/c] tags). If the selection has already these tags, it will remove them.
Ctrl+B Make the selected text bold (adds [b], [/b] tags). If the selection has already these tags, it will remove them.
Ctrl+I Make the selected text italic (adds [i], [/i] tags). If the selection has already these tags, it will remove them.
Ctrl+U Underline the selected text (adds [u], [/u] tags). If the selection has already these tags, it will remove them.
Ctrl+= Switch on/off subscript for the selected text (adds [sub], [/sub] tags). If the selection has already these tags, it will remove them.
Ctrl+Shift+= Switch on/off superscript for the selected text (adds [sup], [/sup] tags). If the selection has already these tags, it will remove them.
Ctrl+L Align the selected paragraph to the left and make its direction left to right (adds [l], [/l] tags). If the selection has already these tags, it will remove them.
Ctrl+R Align the selected paragraph to the right and make its direction right to left (adds [r], [/r] tags). If the selection has already these tags, it will remove them.


Found Field

Ctrl+P Print the contents of the Found field
Ctrl+B Make the selected text bold.
Ctrl+I Make the selected text italic.
Ctrl+U Underline the selected text.
Ctrl+L Align the selected text to the left side.
Ctrl+R Align the selected text to the right side.
Ctrl+E Center the selected text.
Ctrl+Shift+. Increase the font size of the selected text.
Ctrl+Shift+, Decrease the font size of the selected text.
Ctrl+Shift+L Select one of the enumeration styles for the selected paragraphs.

Search Field

  1. When the cursor is in the search field.

Enter Advanced Search: search in the current (sorted) field.
Ctrl+Enter Advanced Search: search in all fields.

Advanced Search: crossword search: search in the current (sorted) field.

Ctrl+Shift+Enter Advanced Search: crossword search:  search in all fields.
Alt+Enter Sentence Word-for-Word Translation: search in the current (sorted) field.
PgUp/PgDn Go to the previous/next entry.
Go to the first/last entry.
Mouse Wheel Move the mouse wheel forward to go to the previous entry and backward (in the direction of you) to go to the next entry. If you hold <Ctrl> you will go by 5 entries, not by 1.
Alt If you place a text into the search field and Alt is held the search is not performed.
  1. When the cursor is on the horizontal scroll bar.
Left Arrow/Up Arrow Go to the previous entry.
Right Arrow/Down Arrow Go to the next entry.
PgUp/PgDn Go 5 entries back/forward.


Slide Show


Stop Slide Show and return to the main window.

PgUp or
Left Arrow

Return to the previous question. The same if you click the button with a left arrow near the Start button on the Slide Show tab.
PgDn or
Right Arrow
Show the next question/answer. The same if you click the button with a right arrow near the Start button on the Slide Show tab.
Num +/- Increase/decrease the time for showing the question.
Increase/decrease the time interval for showing the answer.
Ctrl+mouse wheel over any field Zoom the text in the field. Zoom parameters are saved for the current dictionary. They are restored to 100% when you stop Slide Show and are set again when you start it.