How to Set Optimal Test Options?

  1. You have a small dictionary (0-4000 entries):

It is better to learn all the entries by small quantity at a time. For this on the Test tab of the Options dialog box set the following options:

All the entries
10 entries

  1. You have a comprehensive dictionary (more than 4000 entries):

It is better to learn only chosen entries. For this on the Test tab of the Options dialog box set the following options:

Only chosen

You can also choose a quantity of chosen entries (10 entries) if there are already too many chosen entries.

When you have set these options hide the program to the system tray. If there are no chosen entries yet you will see icon in the system tray (where the clock is). It means, that the program will not pop-up until you choose any entry for testing. For this when you read some text in another program and come across an unknown word select it and press Ctrl+Ins+Ins to view the translation in Pop-Up Dictionary. If you would like to learn this word press Ins to mark the current entry for testing.

  1. You have a comprehensive dictionary (more than 4000 entries) and makes your own topical vocabularies:

Follow the instructions of the (1) item.

You can create your own topical vocabulary and copy entries there (it is easier to use button on the toolbar for this). When you have copied several entries there you can switch between the General dictionary and your own one by clicking the button on the toolbar.