Getting Started

After you launch the program a "book" icon will appear in the system tray (where the clock is).

The program will appear automatically in set time and ask you to translate chosen words. The icon will be flashing before the program is shown. It will be not shown while you type or move the mouse intensively, so that not to interrupt your work, but to offer tests during short breaks. After you have answered several questions (the quantity of questions you can set in the Options dialog box) you can hide the program to the system tray (click the X button of the window caption or press <Esc>). You can show the main window forcibly by clicking the "book" icon. If you right-click the "book" icon, a pop-up menu will appear.

Items of the pop-up menu:

Show Shows the main window (the same if you left-click the "book" icon).
Options Shows the Options dialog box.
Always On Top Makes the main window on top:

    - the window is not on top
    - the window is on top

Disable The Pop-Up Dictionary Agent will be loaded instead of Pop-Up Dictionary. You will see icon in the system tray. Pop-Up Dictionary will not anymore appear in set time even if you restart Windows. But you still have an opportunity to use the pop-up dictionary mode. To enable the program right-click the icon and choose Enable.

Note: if you use Pop-Up Dictionary as a dictionary only it is better to disable it, because Pop-Up Dictionary Agent, which will be loaded in this case, occupies much less memory than Pop-Up Dictionary. Pop-Up Dictionary Agent serves only to load Pop-Up Dictionary any time you need it. Use pop-up dictionary mode as the easiest way to get translation of any word, selected in other applications.

Help Consists of 2 submenus:

Help Topics - to view this file;
Tip of Day - shows tips, explaining how to work with Pop-Up Dictionary
About - displays information about the program and the licensee.

Exit The program will be unloaded. When Windows will start next time, the program will be run again (if you have ticked off 'Load at Startup' on the General tab of the Options dialog box).