
Test tab

To activate testing for the current dictionary tick off 'Enable testing for this dictionary'. You can clear this box for explanatory dictionaries or any other dictionaries, which you do not want to use for examination. Dictionaries with disabled testing are loaded faster and will not pop-up to examine you from time to time. To reduce used memory more you can disable Pop-Up Dictionary from the pop-up menu, but the main window may be opened slower in this case.

Choose fields you want to be tested, original words or translation. If you check both, you will be asked randomly to translate an original word at one time and to type the original word for translation at another time.

Choose what entries will be shown: all the entries or only chosen (those, which you have ticked off in the main window by clicking ). You can define also the number of entries, which will be randomly chosen for testing at a time.

If you want learned words also be included in the test tick off the 'including learned ones' as well (it is useful for repeating learned words).


Other settings

Show transcription with

Choose if the transcription will be shown together with original word or translation.

And pronounce the word automatically

If you tick off this check box, the assigned file will be played when the transcription is shown. Read, how to assign a file to an entry.

Choose word randomly If you unmark this check box questions will be shown in the alphabetical order.
Ask the next word if the answer is correct If you tick off this check box, the next question will asked without showing the answer to the previous word, if the answer has been correct.
Hide the program after X words are tested. The program will be hidden to the system tray (where the clock is), when X words are tested and you press <Enter> to show the question of the X+1 word.


Timer tab

Here you can set the time, in which the program will appear from the system tray to test you. You can set values from 10 sec to 60 min. If you don't want the program's window to appear, when the timer alarms, tick off the option 'Do not show the window'. Then when it's time for a test the book icon in the system tray will be blinking. Click it to take a test.

Here you can also specify time intervals for the Slide Show mode. You can change time intervals also during slide show using hot keys. Check the option 'Consider length of words' if you want very long words to be shown a bit longer.


General tab

Here you can choose the interface language. If you translate the interface into your own language and send us the appropriate INI-file, we will give you Pop-Up Dictionary for FREE. Read about how to make the interface in your own language.


Other settings

X most recent dictionaries X is the number of most recent open dictionaries (the quantity of menu items near the button of the toolbar).
Load at Startup The program will run when you start Windows.
Hide to the system tray at start The program will be hidden to the system tray (near the clock) at start.
Enable sound effects Sounds will be played when you have typed the wrong or the correct answer.
Single-click to show the program If you uncheck this check button you will need to double-click the 'book' icon in the system tray to show the program.
Automatically change the sort rule when the sorting is changing When this check box is ticked off the sort rule will change every time you change the sorting (press button).

If you use this option you should once sort the dictionary by original word, right-click the sort button and choose the appropriate language; and do the same for the translation field and probably for the transcription field if you sort the dictionary by this field as well. If the option is unmarked you should change the sorting rule every time you change sorting if you want the words follow each other in right order.

Read more about Sort Rules.

Search for the selected (in other programs) word in the current vocabulary Enable or disable pop-up dictionary mode. You can also choose a key combination for this mode: Ctrl+Ins+Ins or Ctrl+C+C (holding <Ctrl> double-press <Ins> or <C> respectively). Read about the pop-up dictionary mode.


Fields tab

If you want to use your own fonts and colors for the text boxes, you can do it here for every field. Click the Font button near every field to choose font and click the Back Color button to choose the background color. If you have chosen a font or a color but you don't like it, just click the Cancel button or press <ESC>.

You can also specify the default keyboard layout and reading order ( - Left to Right; - Right to Left) for each field.

To specify the colors of features and references click the appropriate area and choose a color. These are the colors of the text marked by tags: [c], [/c] for features and <<, >> for references. You can select any text as a feature or reference by editing entries and using hot keys for this.


View tab

All the found entries during Advanced Search or Sentence Word-for-Word Translation can be shown in one field. Select the number of entries that will be displayed on the Found tab after the first search: 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30. Other found entries can be displayed portion by portion by clicking the button Display next found entries near the search field. The contents of the transcription field can be displayed near (after) the original word, near (before) the translation or on a new line in the Found field.

You can make the Slide Show window transparent in Windows 2000/XP, making more free space on your display.